Bins – Bulk Silos

Single Product Bin On Wheels

In many blending plants, blenders produce thousands of pounds of product per batch. Many operations discharge these batches into large portable bins. These bins can then be rolled around on their own casters or carried by a forklift. They can be placed in storage or set to feed a packaging line. It is a good way to reduce your material handling costs. AIM Blending Technologies, Inc., your source for fluidizer selections and blending machines, can provide you with the bins you need.

Product Bins On Wheels

The portable bins which AIM Blending Technologies, Inc. manufactures are custom sized to a customer’s requirement. That simply means that we adjust the size and shape so that your bins will easily fit under your blender or hold a certain volume so that you have all full bins coming from your ribbon mixer and not ending up with the last bin only half full. Freight costs are greatly reduced when you order bins at the same time that you order your blender. In the case of purchasing a large industrial blender and mezzanine, there may be no extra freight costs when including bins.

Steel Product Bins

AIM Blending Technologies, Inc.’s bins can have lids or open tops depending on their application. They can be made of stainless steel, aluminum, or mild steel and painted. Stainless steel bins can be finished to a 2B, #4, near mirror, or mirror low bacteria finish. They can have welds which are wire brushed or finished all the way up to AAA sanitary welds. Bins may have casters, two-way or four way fork lift entry channels. The volume each bin holds, its height, width, etc. is totally up to the customer. Vibrator pads or brackets can be placed on the bottom discharge.

AIM Blending Technologies, Inc. is all about giving you the most value for your investment dollar, so call our sales team today to discuss your needs, our designs, and what extra quality you will get with your purchase when you AIM For The Best.

Bulk Silos

Bulk Silos Many industrial blending plants use just a few ingredients as the basis for a very large percentage of their blends. In these cases they may be better off to get one or a few of these ingredients delivered in bulk quantities. Some kind of a bulk silo is normally used to receive these products. These ingredients would be delivered to the plant in either full truck load quantities or even in rail road car quantities. They are then unloaded into the bulk storage bins for use as required by the blending operation.

Steel Bulk Silo Since AIM Blending Technologies, Inc. builds all kinds of support equipment for blending operations, AIM also manufactures these bulk silos. These tanks are custom designed for the customer and their use. They can be for indoor or outdoor use. Usually they include items like caged ladders to the top, connecting bridges for access to all bins, and handrails all the way around the tops. They usually include inspection doors, dust collection systems, vibrating pads, and they can be mounted on load cells or include other types of inventory read-out systems. Special food grade liners can be used or some tanks are made of all stainless steel. The bottoms can be made to connect to any one of a number of take away conveyors, mechanical or pneumatic. Many other options are available.

AIM Blending Technologies, Inc. is all about giving our customers the most value for their investment dollar, so call our sales team today to discuss your needs, our designs, and what extra quality you will get with your purchase when you AIM For The Best.

Showroom Bins

AIM Blending Technologies, Inc. produced the showroom style portable bins in these photos. They contain the low bacteria/mirror finish on both the inside and outside of the bin. These bins make a real quality statement to their customers who tour this plant, but even more important to this company is the statement that the bins made to their own employees.